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Who We Are
Financials Disclosure

Panzi Foundation and Hospital is committed to transparency and accountability, providing access to its audited financials, annual tax filings, and tax-exempt status filings and certifications.

Panzi Hospital, Panzi Foundation’s US Office, and Panzi Foundation’s DRC Office work as one global team, but are three separately-registered entities. This legally allows us to work as a hospital that performs medical procedures in Bukavu, South Kivu Province; an implementing organization that can work throughout DRC as a Congolese non-governmental organization; and fundraise and process tax receipts as a United States 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID #27-1706063).

Panzi Hospital, Panzi Foundation’s US Office, and Panzi Foundation’s DRC Office work as one global team, but are three separately-registered entities. 

This legally allows us to work as a hospital that performs medical procedures in Bukavu, South Kivu Province; an implementing organization that can work throughout DRC as a Congolese non-governmental organization; and fundraise and process tax receipts as a United States 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID #27-1706063).

Panzi Hospital & Panzi Foundation (USA & DRC Offices) Financials

2019-2020 COMBINED TOTAL: $28,601,966

US Office Financials

DRC Office Financials

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