Join the movement to stop sexual violence in war
Your donation provides critical front-line to help survivors of sexual violence in Congo—healing bodies, minds, families, and communities.
All funds support Panzi leading the fight against the use of rape as a weapon of war, from after-care and residential support for survivors who cannot return to their homes, rapid response missions to treat mass rapes, hospital expenses, expansion of holistic care, and operating costs. These donations help us to respond nimbly to the most-pressing challenges on the ground, and supplement the grant funding we receive from our impact partners.
More ways to help survivors
Mail a check
You can make a contribution by mailing a check or money order to:
5185 MacArthur Blvd. NW, #708,
Washington, DC 20016, USA
Please include your email address with your contribution, as we are green and process tax acknowledgments electronically.
International giving
Support Panzi Foundation and Hospital in more than 10 other currencies.
Give stock
We accept stock donations. Please email us at with the donor name, stock name, symbol, and number of shares that you plan to donate:
DTC #: 0164
Account Number: 6337-1082
Other ways to give
From fundraising with us to corporate sponsorships and more, there are so many ways for you to be part of helping sexual survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Contact our team today to discover other ways to get involved.
Give with confidence
When you donate to Panzi Foundation, you’re directly supporting a Congolese-led organization with 99% of the staff on the ground in the DRC. Your contributions go straight to the heart of our projects and Dr. Denis Mukwege’s vision to end rape in war—there are no intermediaries—ensuring every dollar has a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of survivors.
Your donations are processed by the USA-based office of Panzi Hospital and Foundation (EIN 27-1706063) and used to support the most pressing needs on the ground in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Donations made online will automatically receive tax acknowledgment for your records.

Commit to reaching survivors wherever they are with a gift of $10,000 or more. Support our mobile clinics in bringing holistic healing to women and girls in last mile communities.
Together, we can end this crisis.
Panzi Foundation is a community of survivors, advocates, and supporters—and we need you to help put an end to the tactical use of sexual violence. Whether a donation of time or finances, a fundraising campaign, or even a brand partnership, there are plenty of ways to step toward Congo’s new tomorrow.