On Monday September 25, 2023, Dr. Denis Mukwege was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Morhouse College, a prestigious institution steeped in history that symbolizes the struggle of African-Americans for civil rights in the United States. On this occasion, he delivered the following speech at Morehouse College’s Crown Forum: Watch the video of the speech on […]
September 6, 2023, Bukavu — We were stunned to learn of the appointment of General Nduru Chaligonza to head up military operations in North Kivu, replacing the Military Governor of North Kivu, General Constant Ndimi, who was recalled to Kinshasa for consultations following the dispatch of the Interministerial Commission sent to Goma on the instructions […]
C’est avec stupéfaction que nous avons pris connaissance de la désignation du Général Nduru Chaligonza pour diriger les opérations militaires au Nord-Kivu en remplacement du Gouverneur militaire du Nord Kivu, le Général Constant Ndimi, rappelé en consultation à Kinshasa suite à l’envoi de la Commission interministérielle envoyée à Goma sur instruction du Président de la […]
Je suis profondément indigné par les images choquantes du massacre dont ont été victimes les manifestants du mouvement politico-religieux « La Foi Naturelle Judaïque Messianique vers les Nations » (FNJMN) à Goma le mercredi 30/08/2023. Le bilan est très lourd : le gouvernement congolais fait état de 43 décès et 56 blessés. Des organisations de la […]
September 1, 2023, Bukavu — I am deeply outraged by the shocking images of the massacre suffered by demonstrators from the politico-religious movement “La Foi Naturelle Judaïque Messianique vers les Nations” (FNJMN) in Goma on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. The death toll was very high: the Congolese government reported 43 dead and 56 wounded. Civil […]
The culture of impunity greatly fuels the recurrence of conflicts and the perpetuation of the most serious crimes, particularly those of a sexual and gender-based nature, and is therefore a major obstacle to the establishment of the rule of law and the restoration of lasting peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Decades of […]
On this day of Genocost, which means “genocide for economic gain,” our thoughts go out to all the direct and indirect victims of countless crimes committed over decades for economic and geostrategic interests. These atrocities, which defy the imagination and should deeply shock the human conscience, have been perpetrated since the mid-1990s in the Democratic […]
On Thursday July 20, Panzi Foundation deployed a team to the Don Bosco camps in Goma, bringing food to 3,915 displaced families and hygiene and dignity kits to 2,884 women. This intervention is particularly aimed at women and girls who are at higher risk of sexual and gender-based violence when displaced by conflict. The project […]
This is a very serious time. I was deeply dismayed to learn of the kidnapping and subsequent murder in Kinshasa of the Honorable Chérubin OKENDE SENGA, national deputy and honorary minister. This heinous crime has just been committed in the run-up to general elections, in a context of repression of political opposition, dangerous curtailment of […]
My dear compatriots,Dear brothers and sisters, It is with great sorrow that I learned the sad news of the natural and human disaster caused by the floods in the territory of Kelehe following the torrential rains that have been falling on the region for several days. The toll is heavy — more than 170 dead, […]