Remarks as Prepared for Delivery Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Madame Under-Secretary General Phumzile Mlambo, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Prime Minister, for the invitation to participate in the launch of Sweden’s He for She campaign under the auspices of UN WOMEN. Sweden is known worldwide for advancing women’s rights at domestic and […]
From the Field
**DRC Media Minister Bars Screening of “The Man Who Mends Women – The Wrath of Hippocrates” Documentary**——————————————————————————————————— (Bukavu, DRC) The following is a statement from Dr. Denis Mukwege, Founder and Medical Director of the Panzi Hospital and Foundations: “It is with a great regret that we must confirm we have been informed of the prohibition […]
Dr. Nene used to pass Panzi Hospital on her way to work every day. She had heard the stories about the crimes that had been committed against the women treated there by Dr. Mukwege and the other physicians. She needed to know if these terrible stories were true. She challenged herself to find out, to […]
STATEMENT FROM DR. DENIS MUKWEGE ON REFUGEE CRISIS (Bukavu, DR Congo) Founder of the Panzi Hospital and Foundations, Dr. Denis Mukwege, released the following statement on the refugee and migrant crisis facing Africa, the Middle East, and Europe: “ Those fleeing instability, insecurity, violence, or war would not be making those dangerous crossings if they […]
Présentation du Docteur Mukwege à l’occasion des Journées européennes du Développement– Bruxelles – 4 juin 2015 Monsieur le Commissaire Mimica, Distingués invités, Mesdames, Messieurs, Je vous remercie de me donner la parole à l’occasion de cette neuvième édition des Journées européennes du Développement. Dans un monde dominé par la compétition et la concurrence, la coopération […]
Communiqué de presse, 20 May 2015 Strasbourg, France – Déclaration du Docteur Denis Mukwege: “Les élus du Parlement européen ont voté contre les minerais des conflits et pour les droits humains. Une importante contribution pour la PAIX.” “Le vote sur les minerais de conflit au Parlement européen, à Strasbourg, est une victoire pour les droits de […]