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Dr. Denis Mukwege Satisfied with the 4th Mukwege Chair Congress
June 5, 2024
Scientists from all over the world met in France, at the University of Angers from June 5 to 7, for the 4th international congress of the Mukwege Chair. With “Sexual violence and childhood in war” as its theme, this reunion, following on from the Chaire de Liège (Belgium) in 2019. Read more…
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November 27, 2023
The annual international 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign takes place November 25 to December 10. This year, Panzi will carry out a series of activities around the theme Unite Together: Investing to prevent violence against women and girls. Below you will find… Read more
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Showing 45 Results
November 6, 2023
Justice for children: 411 birth certificates handed over to children in the Kalehe region
In October 2023, the Panzi Foundation delivered 411 birth certificates to children benefiting from its programs in the Kalehe region of northern South Kivu. Most of these children were born as a result of rape, and some have been abandoned. Although the right to a nationality is recognized by article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the precarious conditions in which some children are born prevent them from benefiting from civil registration within the timeframe covered by the...
October 23, 2023
Support for refugee children in North Kivu and the Uvira region
In October 2023, Panzi Foundation distributed school supplies to help refugee children gain access to education. This operation is a continuation of the assistance provided in recent months to displaced families in the North Kivu and the Uvira regions. A total of 1,333 children received kits, which included a schoolbag, a school uniform, a pair of shoes, notebooks, pens, pencils, and mathematical instruments. These children attend schools close to their camps, but most do not have the means to buy...
October 5, 2023
No to violence against women! Together, let’s support survivors.
Written By: UKANE ASSUMANI Didier, Panzi Youth Ambassador “If you show love to a woman who’s been rejected, she’ll take a completely different view of life. It’s a very simple thing to do, but it will give her the desire to fight…”. Dr. Denis Mukwege. The Democratic Republic of Congo is in the grip of a complex humanitarian crisis that has lasted for decades. In the east of the country, endemic sexual violence has been amplified by recurrent armed conflicts,...
September 7, 2023
The Panzi Foundation supports displaced populations in the Uvira region
On Tuesday August 29, in Uvira, the Panzi Foundation launched an operation to distribute food and dignity kits to 1,241 households who had fled armed groups operating in the Mwenga and Fizi highlands. This effort complements Panzi’s efforts in July, which provided assistance to over 5,000 refugee families in camps in Goma and Beni territory. During the launch of this operation, Panzi Foundation’s Director of Programs recalled the organization’s commitment to the displaced populations of the two Kivu provinces and...
August 4, 2023
Launch of a holistic care project in the highlands of Kalehe
The Panzi Foundation announces the launch of a holistic care project for the survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in the highlands of Kalehe, South Kivu province. The Kalehe highlands have been a high-risk area for human rights violations since the outbreak of armed conflict in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Endowed with inestimable mining potential, this area is home to various armed groups responsible for numerous crimes, including cases of rape and sexual violence. Civil...
August 3, 2023
Statement by Dr Mukwege on transitional justice in the DRC: “for an ethic of responsibility”
The culture of impunity greatly fuels the recurrence of conflicts and the perpetuation of the most serious crimes, particularly those of a sexual and gender-based nature, and is therefore a major obstacle to the establishment of the rule of law and the restoration of lasting peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Decades of dictatorship and conflict, which have plunged the DRC into chaos and desolation, have seriously undermined the rule of law and undermined citizens’ confidence in the...
August 1, 2023
The Panzi support team, which was deployed in Goma on July 20, continues its mission north to assist 1,175 displaced families in the Beni territory. On Sunday, July 30, Panzi Foundation launched an operation to assist displaced people who have fled the massacres of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF-Nalu), a terrorist group that has been active for three decades in Beni territory, North Kivu. After assistance was offered to displaced people from Goma who were fleeing the rebellion of the...
July 27, 2023
Gender equality in health, an essential right for women
Gender equality in health is essential to any effort to combat poverty and achieve sustainable development and peace. Gender is a central determinant of inequalities in health, both in access to and quality of health services. The TUMAINI project “Santé et droits des femmes, des adolescentes et des enfants” (Health and rights of women, adolescents and children) aims to reduce these obstacles by transforming unequal gender relations in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The results of the recent...
July 24, 2023
Commémoration du 25ème anniversaire du Statut de Rome
Les survivant.e.s des massacres de Bukavu appellent la Cour Pénale Internationale à prendre des mesures en faveur de la justice et de la paix en RDC. Lundi 17 juillet 2023, le monde a commémoré le 25ème anniversaire de l’adoption du Statut de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), une juridiction à compétence internationale créée pour juger des crimes de masse. Ratifié depuis 1998, et entré en vigueur en 2002, à la suite de la création effective de la CPI, ce statut...
Join us as we help Congolese survivors reclaim their lives.