Since October 2014, at least 600 people have been massacred with horrific brutality in and around the city of Beni, North Kivu. The atrocities have included beheadings, the mutilation of corpses, and the murder of young children. Just this month alone, more than 50 people have been killed. From Dr. Denis Mukwege: “The blood of our […]
From the Field
Statement from Dr Denis Mukwege – 17 May 2016After Beni Massacres, “peace cannot be achieved at the expense of justice.” (Bukavu, DRC) Since early May, more than 50 people have been brutally massacred in Beni, in North Kivu Province, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Since October 2014, the death toll in Beni has risen […]
Intervention du Dr Denis Mukwege au Conseil des droits de l’homme – 8 mars 2016 Mr Le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme,Mr Le Ministre-Président de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,Mme La Rapporteuse Spéciale des Nations Unies sur la question de la violence contre les femmes, ses causes et ses conséquences,Mme La Représentante du […]
(BUKAVU, DRC) Dr. Denis Mukwege, Founder and Medical Director of the Panzi Hospital, and Founder and President of the Panzi Foundation USA, authored the foreword for the report released today by Global Witness and Amnesty International “Digging for Transparency.” The report examines and analyzes filings submitted by 100 companies under the 2010 Dodd Frank Act […]
Le modèle d’assistance holistique de Panzi, de la prise en charge médicale jusqu’à rendre la femme autonome Excellences Messieurs les Ministres d’Etat, Excellence Monsieur l’Ambassadeur du Royaume de Belgique pour la région des Grands Lacs,Monsieur le Président des Grandes Conférences Catholiques,Distingués invités,Mesdames, Messieurs, Je vous remercie de m’inviter ce soir pour parler de notre travail mené à […]
Women for Women InternationalChampion of Peace AwardNew York, New York10 November 2015 REMARKS AS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY Good evening, Thank you to Women for Women International, especially Jennifer Windsor, to the Board of Directors, my friend and colleague Tony Gambino, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we honor women, and this extraordinary organization, that has breathed […]
DISCOURS DU DOCTEUR DENIS MUKWEGE A L’OCCASION DE LA CONFERENCE SUR LA GOUVERNANCE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES EN AFRIQUE A DAKAR – 16 OCTOBRE 2015 S.E. Monsieur le Président de la République du Sénégal,Honorable Monsieur le Président de l’Assemblée Nationale du Sénégal,Honorable Monsieur le Président de l’ALDEPAC,Honorable Monsieur le Co-Président de l’Assemblée parlementaire Paritaire UE-ACP, Co-Président […]
Marta was only 12 when she started, in 6th grade in primary school. She was happy in school. But three boys raped her, and she became pregnant. Her family rejected her. She had no other choice. Sylvie was 14. She had a hard life, she said. We asked her how – she just told us […]
The following statement from the Panzi Foundation, USA, Executive Director Naama Haviv addresses the increased reports of sexual violence and rapes targeting infants, toddlers, and very young children in Kavumu and surrounding areas in Eastern DRC. When I first began working to combat mass atrocities in eastern DRC, I was a recovering academic. I left […]
STATEMENT FROM DR. DENIS MUKWEGE: EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT VOTE ON BINDING CONFLICT MINERALS LEGISLATION “IS A VICTORY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS.” (STRASBOURG, FRANCE) “The vote in Strasbourg at the European Parliament regarding conflict minerals is a victory for human rights. We are at a turning point in the dialogue. The legislation mandates refiners, smelters, manufacturers, and importers of […]