

我们每天都在努力为我们在刚果东部前线的同事们加强项目和资源。Panzi医院和Maison Dorcas是布卡武的医疗和整体治疗、教育和职业培训、法律援助和社区重返社会的中心。


Panzi的农村诊所和流动诊所为数以千计的家庭提供服务 - 往往是在更脆弱的情况下。我们服务的一个社区--卡武穆(Kavumu),面临着极端的暴力--包括超过45名五岁以下的受害者被强奸,甚至是婴儿和幼儿。


大约有一百名妇女在我们位于卡武穆的农村多卡之家中心就读。计划包括为她们的小企业提供小额贷款,以及农业/农业企业培训、畜牧业培训、篮子制作、识字和算术--你会在Maison Dorcas找到的一切--和一个农场。 


我们希望这些家庭和强奸儿童的幸存者能够得到正义。有关审判的最新情况,请在Twitter上关注PHR的Susannah SirkinTRIAL。我们将在审判结束后发表一份完整的声明。



Statement by Dr. Denis Mukwege on the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2024

March 08, 2024 — On this International Women’s Day, we express our solidarity with all the women and girls who fight every day with courage and determination for their rights and to build a better world for future generations and the planet. While this day should be a day of celebration of achievements and advances […]

Open letter of Dr Denis Mukwege to the Member States of the United Nations Security Council on the peak of the security and humanitarian crisis in Eastern DRC and the disengagement process of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo

March 5, 2024 Dear Ambassadors, We are writing to express our deep concern about the deterioration of the security situation and the escalation of armed violence and its disastrous impact on the protection of civilians and the humanitarian situation in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since the resurgence in November 2021 […]