


十年前,即2013年2月24日,11个国家和4个国际和区域机构,即联合国(UN)、非洲联盟(AU)、大湖区问题国际会议(ICGLR)和南部非洲发展共同体(SADC),也被称为 "共同领导人",签署了《关于刚果民主共和国和该地区和平、安全与合作的亚的斯亚贝巴框架协议》,在几十年的冲突、不稳定、剥削和痛苦之后,为更美好的明天带来了希望。







此外,《框架协议》规定了一个区域后续机制,即主要的内部控制机构,每年在国家元首和政府首脑一级评估签署国和 "共同赞助者"(11+4机制)在执行承诺方面取得的进展,评估的依据是详细的标准和实现具体行动和具体目标的精确时间表。刚果民主共和国还建立了一个国家机制,以监督在国家一级做出的承诺的执行情况。

最后,民间社会,特别是妇女和青年组织,参与评估进展情况,以确保有效执行这项 "希望协议 "的后续机制,正如美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马所说,该协议不能仅仅是 "一纸空文",也不能仅仅是外交官和机构的关注。






此外,尽管秘书长特使办公室通过了 "联合国大湖区建设和平、预防和解决冲突战略",但所做的努力既没有促成一个导致持久和平的全面进程,也没有调动各方的真正政治意愿和诚意,以有效落实2013年在亚的斯亚贝巴做出的承诺。


正是在这种背景下,挪威难民理事会(NRC)在2021年国际忽视排名中把刚果民主共和国排在第一位,该排名基于三个标准:缺乏国际政治意愿、缺乏媒体关注和缺乏国际援助。 此外,根据NRC的研究,DRC多年来一直在十大最被忽视的危机名单上。



2. At the level of the Congolese state

The DRC has failed to take concrete action to initiate a thorough reform of the security sector, including cleaning up the police, army and intelligence services, institutions that remain infiltrated at all levels following previous peace agreements that integrated elements of armed rebel groups, both Congolese and foreign, into the institutions of the Republic under the principle of inclusiveness.

The lack of comprehensive reform of the Congolese security and defense forces has prevented the state from deploying its authority in large parts of the country and has left the nation in a weak position to ensure security and protect civilians, and unable to guarantee national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The justice and prison sectors are also among the institutional reforms that have not been completed but are of primary importance for building the rule of law, thus contributing to the continuation of the culture of corruption and impunity and undermining citizens’ confidence in its institutions.

In addition, the establishment of a state of siege since May 2021 in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu has not only failed to neutralize the capacity of armed groups to cause harm – notably the ADF, CODECO and FDLR – but has paradoxically contributed to an increase in insecurity and a doubling of the number of abuses committed against civilians. Moreover, this regime, which is supposed to be exceptional but has been renewed every 15 days for almost two years, is leading to a growing number of human rights violations and a narrowing of the space for democratic freedoms, mortgaging the participation of the citizens of two of the country’s most densely populated provinces in the general elections scheduled for December 2023. Thus, we advocate the end of the state of siege and the return to public management by the services of the civil administration.

Faced with the failure to secure the provinces in conflict, the Congolese authorities entered into bilateral security cooperation with Uganda and Burundi, which contributed to the deterioration of relations with Rwanda and a resumption of its policy of armed interventionism. Second, the DRC joined the East African Community (EAC), an organization composed largely of neighboring countries that are responsible for the plundering of natural resources, the commission of the most serious crimes and the destabilization of the DRC.

We warned national and international authorities in good time about the dangers of this firefighter’s strategy of seeking to stabilize the country with the help of destabilizing states. However, Kinshasa has pursued this policy of outsourcing its security to third countries that are much more motivated by geostrategic and economic interests than by the protection of civilians. Thus, the Congolese state has committed itself to a new sub-regional security cooperation by accepting the intervention of a regional EAC force to put an end to the activism of armed groups, which will therefore be in the same theater of operations as the UN force and its intervention brigade, which support the national security and defense forces under the authority of the Security Council.

This new force, which is still being deployed, underfunded and poorly coordinated with MONUSCO, is leading to a worrying over-militarization in eastern Congo and is akin to a new occupation force, as evidenced by the fact that the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) are being denied entry into the territories occupied by the March 23 Movement (M23) and placed under the control of the regional force, in defiance of Congolese sovereignty.

The balance of power, unfavorable to the DRC due to the weakness of its military response, has led to diplomatic initiatives at the regional level, resulting in the Nairobi process, under the auspices of the EAC, and the Luanda process, under the auspices of the AU, where the Congolese authorities are forced to negotiate with aggressor states and engage in dialogue with national and foreign armed groups.

In this context of heightened insecurity, over-militarization of the region, and ongoing negotiations, armed groups are not inclined to surrender their weapons because they are aware that the scale and level of cruelty of the crimes they commit with impunity against civilians opens up opportunities at the negotiating table. In addition, elements of the armed groups have shown a lack of confidence in joining the new government DDR program following the appointment of a former rebel with close ties to the M23 as program coordinator, jeopardizing the implementation of these important non-military measures.

3. At the level of the countries of the region

Non-compliance by countries in the region has been the norm rather than the exception, and bad faith has characterized the follow-up to the implementation of the Framework Agreement, particularly by the regime in Kigali. Neighbouring countries have continued with impunity to violate basic principles of international law by violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC and by intervening directly and/or supporting armed groups to plunder and exploit the mineral resources in the east of the country, much of which reaches the world market via Kampala, Kigali and Bujumbura, in complicity with a greedy and corrupt Congolese elite. This economic war imposed on the Congolese is thus prolonged and aggravates an already dramatic humanitarian situation.

This catastrophic picture has been further exacerbated since the end of 2021 by the resurgence of the M23, which was defeated in 2013 but is again supported directly and indirectly by the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF), notably by providing arms, ammunition and uniforms, as attested by numerous investigations, including by the UN Group of Experts. The RDF not only continues to intervene directly in the DRC, but also provides direct support to an armed group that has occupied large parts of the strategic mineral-rich province of North Kivu for almost 9 months, obstructing access to humanitarian aid and waging war not only on the FARDC but also on UN peacekeepers! This collusion between the RDF and the M23, which is under UN and EU sanctions, illustrates the Rwandan authorities’ contempt for the spirit and letter of the Framework Agreement, despite the commitments they made ten years ago.

This war of aggression and occupation has already had dramatic humanitarian consequences, with women and children paying the heaviest price and constituting the overwhelming majority of displaced and persecuted people fleeing fear and terror. Among other daily abuses in eastern Congo, the UN, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International documented mass atrocities committed in late November 2022 by M23 elements with Rwandan army support in Kishishe and Bambo, less than 100 km north of Goma, in Rutshuru Territory, North Kivu, in a campaign of murder, rape, abduction, looting and destruction. If brought to trial, these acts could be qualified as war crimes or even crimes against humanity.

The human toll of these massacres remains difficult to determine in the absence of serious national or international judicial investigations, but the number of unarmed people summarily executed by gunshot or stabbing can be counted in the dozens, and Amnesty International has documented through interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses 66 cases of rape, most of which were gang rapes and sometimes in the presence of the children of the raped women. In addition, there is consistent evidence that M23 commanders visited local health centers and looted available stocks of condoms before carrying out their campaign of terror, demonstrating that these mass and systematic rapes as a method of warfare are premeditated and planned by the military and political hierarchy of the occupying forces in order to terrorize the population into displacement or subjugation and to capture their resources.

Uganda and Burundi have also continued to intervene directly or through armed groups to seize Congolese resources and consolidate their national and geostrategic interests.

In addition to their repeated attacks on national integrity and sovereignty and their support for various armed groups, the countries of the region have not honored their commitments to fight impunity.

Countries in the region committed to facilitate the administration of justice through enhanced regional judicial cooperation and not to harbor or provide protection to those involved in the most serious international crimes in order to end impunity for the perpetrators and instigators of the armed violence that has plagued eastern Congo for more than a quarter century.

Despite the Nairobi Declaration on Justice and Governance and the existence of the Great Lakes Judicial Cooperation Network, it is clear that the political will of the states concerned is lacking to bring to justice the alleged perpetrators of international crimes committed in the DRC. Indeed, to date, no prosecution by neighboring third countries has been initiated against those involved in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or even acts of genocide committed in the martyred provinces of the eastern part of the Congo. For example, Laurent Nkunda, former warlord and commander of the National Congress for the Defense of the People, the armed group from which the M23 emerged, is in Rwanda and has never been held accountable to Rwandan justice, even though the Security Council has called on all parties in various resolutions to bring to justice those responsible for international crimes committed in the DRC.

Thus, the Congolese population has been plunged into suffering, fear and exile due to the continued looting and illegal exploitation of mineral resources, the persistence and even the renewed activism of armed groups and negative forces acting as proxies for neighboring countries the ever-increasing number of displaced persons and refugees and its alarming humanitarian impact, and the widespread impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators and sponsors of the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, including the use of sexual violence as a method of war.

Moreover, despite regional efforts to de-escalate the crisis through the Nairobi and Luanda processes, these diplomatic and political initiatives have failed to “silence the guns” and have not resulted in the expected de-escalation: while calls for a cessation of hostilities and withdrawal from the occupied territories are reiterated at every summit, no ultimatum or cease-fire agreement reached by regional heads of state has been followed through.

On the contrary, the M23 is extending its influence, continuing its exactions against the civilian population and continuing to advance to the gates of Goma, reviving the spectre of the crisis provoked by the same actors in 2012 when the capital of North Kivu Province and its surroundings were occupied by the M23, and thus highlighting a political impasse at the regional level and the limits of the subsidiarity principle.






我们还欢迎和平与安全理事会最近在非盟国家元首和政府首脑第36届常会之际采取的立场,以及其关于动员 "共同赞助 "机构紧急振兴《框架协议》的相关呼吁。

我们还注意到 "欧盟大湖区更新战略。欧洲理事会于2月20日通过了 "支持将不稳定的根源转变为共同的机会",该战略回顾了该地区的战略重要性及其对整个非洲大陆的潜在推动作用。这项新战略强调寻求持久和平,尊重国家主权和完整,以及将自然资源的贩运转变为负责任的贸易和可持续发展的工具的重要性。我们呼吁欧盟任命一名大湖区特使,以最大限度地发挥欧洲在该地区这一新的战略参与的潜力。








遏制作为刚果民主共和国东部社区痛苦和严重侵犯人权的基础的战争经济,需要结束刚果和外国武装团体与矿业公司、走私和贩运网络以及不透明的跨境供应链之间的联系。例如,非政府组织 "全球见证 "最近的一项研究表明,自2013年以来,"卢旺达出口的矿物中只有10%实际上是在其领土上开采的,其余90%都是从刚果民主共和国非法引进的。"然后,这些 "带血的矿物 "通过香港、迪拜甚至曼谷出口到世界市场。





由于近几十年来寻求政治和军事解决方案的各种尝试都未能稳定国家和保护平民,现在是强调预防冲突、过渡时期司法和建设和平之间密切联系的时候了。有罪不罚的文化助长了冲突的复发和暴行的重现。我们不能继续对四分之一世纪以来在刚果(金)犯下的大规模罪行视而不见。正义是结束刚果(金)暴力的拼图中缺少的一块。 没有正义,没有赔偿,没有真相,没有旨在防止最严重罪行再次发生的体制改革,就不会有持久的和平。只有在正义、赔偿和真相之后,才能实现宽恕与和解。







希望协议 "十周年是在刚果国家处于危险之中的关键时刻。刚果(金)正无数次直接或通过代理人遭受侵略战争,威胁着国家主权和领土完整以及过去25年国际投资的微薄收益。

如果不解决暴力和不稳定的根本原因,悲惨的人类代价将继续存在。现在是时候让刚果的悲剧摆脱国际社会的冷漠、不作为和串通一气的沉默了,国际社会助长了安全、人道主义和政治局势的腐烂,对尊重和保护人权产生了灾难性的影响。 刚果民主共和国及其合作伙伴必须解决作为该国东部地区持续冲突背后驱动力的主要结构性原因,即自然资源的开采和非法贸易以及有罪不罚的文化。





苦难是普遍的,对尊严和正义的渴求也是普遍的。刚果人的血已经流得太多了。 与所有民族一样,刚果民族也有自决权和和平生活的权利。 虽然挑战重重,但通往和平的道路是可能的。它将需要更多的安全,在世界贸易中更多的责任,更多的正义和更多的民主。我相信,只要刚果(金)和国际社会有新的政治意愿,我们就能达到目的。

Denis Mukwege


Matinée Scientifique: Panzi’s holistic model OSC (One Stop Center)

A scientific morning was organized at Panzi Foundation on July 3, 2024 on the holistic model of care for victims of sexual violence “One Stop Center (OSC)” or “Guichet unique” of Panzi Hospital and Foundation in a large meeting room at Panzi Foundation. This scientific morning was attended by the Swansea University team, as well […]