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Dr. Denis Mukwege Satisfied with the 4th Mukwege Chair Congress

June 5, 2024
Scientists from all over the world met in France, at the University of Angers from June 5 to 7, for the 4th international congress of the Mukwege Chair. With “Sexual violence and childhood in war” as its theme, this reunion, following on from the Chaire de Liège (Belgium) in 2019. Read more…

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January 10, 2025

Statement following the publication of the 27 December 2024 letter Addressed to the Presidency of the Security Council By the Group of Experts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

I am very concerned after reading the latest report of the United Nations Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Despite the agreement for a humanitarian truce and a ceasefire, the Kigali regime continues to flout international law and pursue its policy of territorial expansion with its AFC/M23 coalition auxiliaries supported and controlled by 3,000 to 4,000 RDF elements. In a flagrant violation of the territorial integrity and Congolese sovereignty, those troops use sophisticated military equipment and...
December 31, 2024

Message of support from Dr. Mukwege to the Appeal of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) and the Presidency of the Church of Christ in Congo (ECC) for the “Social Pact for Peace and Living Well Together in DR Congo and the Great Lakes”

December 31, 2024 Over the past three decades, the Congolese people have endured chronic violence and instability that have led to profound tragedy and suffering beyond comprehension. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been subjected to repeated wars of aggression and systematic violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, resulting in the deadliest conflict since the Second World War and one of the most severe humanitarian and displacement crises of modern times, with a quarter of the population...
December 24, 2024

Appel du Dr Denis Mukwege à la Paix à l’occasion des fêtes de noël et de nouvel an

Mesdames et Messieurs, Mes chers compatriotes, A l’aube de cette nouvelle année, je viens vous saluer chaleureusement et vous présenter mes meilleurs vœux. Pour des nombreux compatriotes, la fête de noël que nous allons bientôt célébrer sera un moment heureux d’affermissement de la foi, des retrouvailles en famille et de partage dans l’amitié et la convivialité. C’est le sens même de la Nativité, fête de la solidarité, de l’espérance et de la paix. Cependant, pour des millions d’autres frères et...
December 15, 2024

Statement by Dr. Mukwege on the failure of the Luanda process

December 15, 2024 — The failure of the tripartite summit in the Luanda process illustrates the political and diplomatic impasse in which this process finds itself, despite the good will of Angola’s President Lourenço. This impasse in the Luanda and Nairobi processes brings to the forefront the imperative need to reinvigorate the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement for Peace, Security and Cooperation, signed in 2013. This agreement was the first to “address the root causes of the conflict and end the...
October 31, 2024

Official launch of women’s health service user committees (CFU) in the Ibanda and Kaziba Health Zones

October 14 and 16, 2024 was the official launch of the women’s health service user committees (CFU) activities. The ceremony took place successively at Panzi Foundation in Bukavu for the Ibanda Health Zone, and in Kaziba/ territoire de Walungu for the Kaziba Health Zone, in the presence of various personalities, political-administrative, customary, and religious authorities, including representatives of the Médecins Chefs des Zones (MCZ) of these two Health Zones, the Medical Director of the Kaziba General Referral Hospital, certain members...
October 28, 2024

Public conference on the theme “Justice, peace and human rights today, is it possible?”

Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for inviting me to speak, and I’m grateful to the NGO Inter Développement et Solidarité for organizing this event in partnership with the University of Strasbourg, the City of Strasbourg, the Alsace European Community and the Conseil Régional du Grand Est. The opening speeches by three eminent professors set the scene for the subject that brings us together: “Justice, peace and human rights today – is it possible? Thank you for your rich contributions.  ...
October 19, 2024

Strasbourg University Speech by Dr. Mukwege

Strasbourg University – October 19, 2024 Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for inviting me to speak, and I’m grateful to the NGO Inter Développement et Solidarité for organizing this event in partnership with the University of Strasbourg, the City of Strasbourg, the Alsace European Community and the Conseil Régional du Grand Est. The opening speeches by three eminent professors set the scene for the subject that brings us together: “Justice, peace and human rights today – is it possible? Thank...
September 1, 2024

Déclaration du Dr Denis Mukwege à l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de l’hôpital de Panzi

Alors que nous commémorons aujourd’hui le 25e anniversaire de l’hôpital de Panzi, il n’y a pas lieu de fêter cet anniversaire mais de reconnaître solennellement la tragédie que traverse les communautés martyres dans l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) et de mener une réflexion sur les raisons qui amènent les femmes à franchir nos portes. En effet, cet anniversaire n’est pas un moment de joie mais de profonde amertume, car le conflit qui a existait déjà lors de...
July 11, 2024

Matinée Scientifique: Panzi’s holistic model OSC (One Stop Center)

A scientific morning was organized at Panzi Foundation on July 3, 2024 on the holistic model of care for victims of sexual violence “One Stop Center (OSC)” or “Guichet unique” of Panzi Hospital and Foundation in a large meeting room at Panzi Foundation. This scientific morning was attended by the Swansea University team, as well as nursing and non-medical staff from the hospital and Panzi Foundation. The event was opened by Dr Denis Mukwege, winner of the 2018 Nobel Peace...
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