On Tuesday August 29, in Uvira, the Panzi Foundation launched an operation to distribute food and dignity kits to 1,241 households who had fled armed groups operating in the Mwenga and Fizi highlands. This effort complements Panzi’s efforts in July, which provided assistance to over 5,000 refugee families in camps in Goma and Beni territory.

During the launch of this operation, Panzi Foundation’s Director of Programs recalled the organization’s commitment to the displaced populations of the two Kivu provinces and highlighted Dr. Mukwege’s advocacy work. Although emergency aid is more than necessary, only the return and consolidation of lasting peace will enable displaced families to return to their villages and pave the way for real reparations.

The humanitarian assistance being distributed in Uvira this week includes food and dignity kits. The food kits are comprised of rice, maize flour, beans, and salt; the dignity kits include cloth fabric (3 yards), shoes, underwear, reusable sanitary towels, a plastic bucket, 2 empty 20-liter drums (for drawing water), toothbrushes, and toothpaste.
A total of 1,241 families will be served in the Uvira area. They come from the following sites: Kalazi (40 families), Katabona (219), Kirunga (88), Kitundu (89), Munanira (136), Nambindu (128),
Bwegera (71), Uvira (100 families from Namianda and Kilibula), and Kamanyola in Walungu territitory (75 families).

This operation is being carried out with the financial support of Caritas Italy.