Le présent appel d’offres a pour objet l’achat d’un véhicule Land Cruiser Long Châssis par la Fondation Panzi. Consulter l’appel d’offre Les offres devront être déposées au Bureau de la Fondation Panzi Bukavu, sis Avenue Jean Miruho 3, N° 024, Quartier Panzi, Commune d’lbanda, Bukavu, RDC le 14/07/2023. Pour les offres à transmettre par mail, […]
On Monday June 5, 2023 in Bukavu, Panzi Foundation hosted the launch ceremony of the United for Gender Equality (UPEG) project. Implemented in the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, and carried out in the province of South Kivu by its delegated operators Panzi Foundation and Swisscontact, this 4-year project is […]
Lundi 5 juin 2023 à Bukavu, la Fondation Panzi accueillait la cérémonie de lancement du projet Uni.e.s pour l’égalité des genres (UPEG). Mis en œuvre en République Démocratique du Congo par l’Agence belge de développement – Enabel, et exécuté dans la province du Sud Kivu par ses opérateurs délégués – la Fondation Panzi et Swisscontact, […]
My dear compatriots,Dear brothers and sisters, It is with great sorrow that I learned the sad news of the natural and human disaster caused by the floods in the territory of Kelehe following the torrential rains that have been falling on the region for several days. The toll is heavy — more than 170 dead, […]
Mes chers compatriotes, Chers frères et sœurs, C’est avec beaucoup de peine que j’ai appris la triste nouvelle de la catastrophe naturelle et humaine hautement dommageable causée par les inondations dans le territoire de Kalehe suite aux fortes pluies qui s’abattent sur la région depuis quelques jours. Le bilan est lourd, plus de 170 morts, […]
March is widely known as Women’s History Month, a season in which we celebrate the resilience and achievements of women and girls around the globe. It is also an opportunity for reflection, and a solemn reminder that for many around the globe, womanhood is not celebrated, and instead a cause of their oppression. As March […]
On this March 8, our thoughts go out to all women around the world who fight every day to have their fundamental rights respected, to gain economic autonomy, and to make their voices heard in a world that remains strongly marked by patriarchy—the source of so much suffering, exclusion and discrimination. It is therefore not […]
Panzi Foundation’s US Office is proud to announce that Ms. Stephanie March has joined its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2023. Ms. March is a prominent philanthropist, activist, actress, and entrepreneur who brings to Panzi a deep understanding of the challenges women and girls face in accessing sexual and reproductive health services around the […]
The Panzi Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with the Lavazza Foundation to train survivors of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on cultivating and roasting coffee beans. This will serve as a job-skills opportunity that survivors can choose to be trained on as part of Panzi’s socio-economic reintegration pillar. […]
February 24, 2023 – Despite the hope raised, the promises are far from being fulfilled. Introduction Ten years ago, on February 24, 2013, the signing of the “Addis Ababa Framework Agreement on Peace, Security and Cooperation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Region” by eleven States and four international and regional institutions, namely […]
On Monday June 5, 2023 in Bukavu, Panzi Foundation hosted the launch ceremony of the United for Gender Equality (UPEG) project. Implemented in the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, and carried out in the province of South Kivu by its delegated operators Panzi Foundation and Swisscontact, this 4-year project is […]
Lundi 5 juin 2023 à Bukavu, la Fondation Panzi accueillait la cérémonie de lancement du projet Uni.e.s pour l’égalité des genres (UPEG). Mis en œuvre en République Démocratique du Congo par l’Agence belge de développement – Enabel, et exécuté dans la province du Sud Kivu par ses opérateurs délégués – la Fondation Panzi et Swisscontact, […]
My dear compatriots,Dear brothers and sisters, It is with great sorrow that I learned the sad news of the natural and human disaster caused by the floods in the territory of Kelehe following the torrential rains that have been falling on the region for several days. The toll is heavy — more than 170 dead, […]
Mes chers compatriotes, Chers frères et sœurs, C’est avec beaucoup de peine que j’ai appris la triste nouvelle de la catastrophe naturelle et humaine hautement dommageable causée par les inondations dans le territoire de Kalehe suite aux fortes pluies qui s’abattent sur la région depuis quelques jours. Le bilan est lourd, plus de 170 morts, […]
March is widely known as Women’s History Month, a season in which we celebrate the resilience and achievements of women and girls around the globe. It is also an opportunity for reflection, and a solemn reminder that for many around the globe, womanhood is not celebrated, and instead a cause of their oppression. As March […]
On this March 8, our thoughts go out to all women around the world who fight every day to have their fundamental rights respected, to gain economic autonomy, and to make their voices heard in a world that remains strongly marked by patriarchy—the source of so much suffering, exclusion and discrimination. It is therefore not […]
Panzi Foundation’s US Office is proud to announce that Ms. Stephanie March has joined its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2023. Ms. March is a prominent philanthropist, activist, actress, and entrepreneur who brings to Panzi a deep understanding of the challenges women and girls face in accessing sexual and reproductive health services around the […]
The Panzi Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with the Lavazza Foundation to train survivors of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on cultivating and roasting coffee beans. This will serve as a job-skills opportunity that survivors can choose to be trained on as part of Panzi’s socio-economic reintegration pillar. […]
February 24, 2023 – Despite the hope raised, the promises are far from being fulfilled. Introduction Ten years ago, on February 24, 2013, the signing of the “Addis Ababa Framework Agreement on Peace, Security and Cooperation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Region” by eleven States and four international and regional institutions, namely […]