Partnership between L’Agence Française De Développement, La Croix Rouge Française, and Panzi Hospital and Foundation

Statement by Dr. Denis Mukwege

I am delighted with the signing of this agreement between France and Panzi Hospital and Foundation, in the presence of Vice-Minister Véronique Kilumba Nkulu, the French Ambassador to the DRC, Mr. Bruno Aubert, the Director of L’Agence Française De Développement, Ms. Safia Ibrahim, Director DR Congo, Mr. Issoumaila Konate, the Head of Delegation of the French Red Cross, and Mr. Issoumaila Konate.

This ceremony is the culmination of a partnership and trust between L’Agence Française De Développement, the French Red Cross, and our teams at Panzi. It is also the fruit of a solid, long-standing relationship that binds us to the population and French institutions. This support will make it possible to strengthen our capacities and our security, rehabilitate our infrastructures, improve our management, and further develop our activities in favor of the Congolese population, particularly survivors of sexual violence.

This valuable support has come well timed at this decisive moment when France, driven by a proactive foreign policy, is deploying a strategic commitment in the DRC, one of the most important French-speaking countries in the world. It solidifies the attention of President Macron, whom we thank for the fate of the Congolese population in general and particularly of the women and children of Eastern regions that have been bereaved for decades by despicable wars and crimes that have remained unpunished, even to this day.

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