Remarks as prepared for delivery by at the Oslo Freedom Forum, in French and English. Distingués invités,Mesdames, Messieurs, C’est une grande source d’inspiration pour moi d’être aujourd’hui à vos côtés, femmes et hommes épris de paix, de justice et de liberté. Chaque jour, nous luttons à travers le monde pour la promotion et la protection […]
Month: May 2016
Since October 2014, at least 600 people have been massacred with horrific brutality in and around the city of Beni, North Kivu. The atrocities have included beheadings, the mutilation of corpses, and the murder of young children. Just this month alone, more than 50 people have been killed. From Dr. Denis Mukwege: “The blood of our […]
Statement from Dr Denis Mukwege – 17 May 2016After Beni Massacres, “peace cannot be achieved at the expense of justice.” (Bukavu, DRC) Since early May, more than 50 people have been brutally massacred in Beni, in North Kivu Province, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Since October 2014, the death toll in Beni has risen […]