Trainings for Panzi Foundation and Panzi Hospital Staff

Two important training courses were held at Panzi Foundation from July 15 to 19, 2024 for Panzi Foundation and Panzi Hospital staff on “Protection against Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH)” and “Fundamental Humanitarian Standard of Quality and Accountability (CHS)”.

These training courses were made possible thanks to the financial and logistical support of the French Red Cross. Approximately 20 participants took part in these vital 5-day courses.

PSEAH Training

This training took place from Monday July 15 to Wednesday July 17, 2024. The three-day session was led by Mr. Etienne Chikuru, Deputy Director of Programs at the Panzi Foundation, and Ms. Jolie, a member of the provincial team of trainers specialized in PSEAH.

Participants explored key concepts such as sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment, as well as organizational responsibilities and commitments to prevent these practices. Discussions also focused on the serious consequences of such behavior, including the loss of beneficiaries’ trust in humanitarian aid, and the legal and financial repercussions for organizations.

At the end of the training, participants pledged to respect the six fundamental principles set out by the IASC to combat sexual exploitation and abuse.

CHS Training

Mr. Etienne Chikuru and Mr. Yves Mideso, MEAL officer at Panzi Foundation, facilitated this two-day training. The aim was to reinforce the understanding and application of the Fundamental Humanitarian Standard to improve the quality of Panzi’s programs and strengthen accountability. Participants revisited the four humanitarian principles underpinning the Fundamental Standard – humanity, impartiality, independence and neutrality – as well as the nine CHS commitments through group exercises and practical scenarios.

This interactive approach enabled participants to better integrate these principles into their day-to-day practices, to ensure effective humanitarian action in line with international standards.