But change isn’t impossible

Ten years ago, the Obama administration acted when M23… Put a short description of how change did happen in the past, giving hope to the supporters that making noise will make change happen again. It doesn’t need to be too detailed, but three lines of text like here is good (about 300 characters).

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more likely
to survive

giving birth at a Panzi facility compared to the national average

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survivors treated across all programs at Panzi Hospital & Foundation since 1999

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surgeries for women with complex gynecological injuries over 25 years

Caring for survivors of sexual violence since 1999

For more than 25 years, Panzi has not only mended survivors’ bodies and delivered their babies—we’ve supported them as they boldly reclaim their lives, against all odds. The Panzi model is a world-renowned four-pillar holistic healing model that aims to address the full range of needs of victims of sexual violence.

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